10 Points to Consider While Hiring ASP.NET Developers

By: Amit Bhagwani
Updated: December 1, 2018 | Technology: Asp.Net, ASP.NET Core, Asp.Net MVC

Recruiting the right candidates and building a strong team are the core aspects of taking the company towards a brighter future. The process isn’t as simple as picking the best resumes as that’s not where the real talent always hides.

Earlier this year, more than 20 of the Fortune 500 companies decided that a degree isn’t a necessity to find an opportunity to work in the company. With such liberal movements taking place, how exactly do you choose the right candidate while hiring ASP.NET developers?

Here are a few things you should keep in mind before heading out to hire ASP.NET developers.

  • As an ASP.NET technical recruiter, you should be familiar with the basic frameworks and tools that your professional ASP.NET developer must be knowledgeable at. This is going to be your first shortlisting criteria. Some of such tools are Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server.
  • You can categorize ASP.NET developer into three parts. First one is those who know classic ASP.NET WebForms, Second type of developers know only ASP.NET MVC framework, the third type of developers know both. When your project demands better UI and UX then Asp.Net MVC is the best choice, if not and your project is data heavy, then better to go for a WebForm framework.
  • Problem-solving should be a developer’s strong point and if there is one thing apart from the technical aspects that they should be assessed for, it is coming up with alternate solutions for any problem at hand. This is crucial while hiring ASP.NET developers.
  • Every developer has their level of comfortability with different IDEs. It is only fair to keep coding/practical tests flexible so that each candidate finds a fair opportunity to showcase their abilities while experiencing a real day at work type of a situation.
  • While Microsoft certifications in .NET do prove a candidates credibility on the subject knowledge, however, only an online coding test or a problem-solving activity can further prove how well they are able to implement their learnings.
  • ASP.NET is a platform created by Microsoft and it is quite obvious that other supporting frameworks created by Microsoft would work best. Hence, if your dedicated ASP.NET developer has an expertise in working with Microsoft tools like Azure, it’s a great plus point.
  • Frame interview questions based on the frameworks and libraries each candidate is comfortable with. ASP.NET supports a lot of libraries and if they have a hold on their strong points, it’s easy to get the task completed on time.
  • On-paper knowledge differs tremendously from field knowledge. Dwelling onto their previous work will give you insight into the capabilities of the candidate and how can they be beneficial to your firm to be sure you made the right choices while hiring ASP.NET developers.
  • If the recruitment drive includes freshers, the projects they have done with ASP.NET is one of the strongest criteria to hire or not hire a candidate. The quality and complexity of the project can be analyzed to comprehend their understanding of the topic.
  • Last but not least, find yourself a candidate who shows learning motives and can easily adapt to upcoming technologies. The IT field is ever developing and your candidate needs to prove himself in the future as well.

ASP.NET is currently one of the largest open-source platforms for developing web apps and services, supporting numerous frameworks, languages, and libraries. Skills can always be developed, find the one with a positive attitude and you can end your search for hire ASP.NET developers.

At Satva Solutions, We recruit highly talented developers which go through a strict interview process. Then we train them and encourage them to do Microsoft certification to enhance their knowledge. Get in touch to hire Well trained and professional Asp.net MVC or Webforms developers.