Medical information management app



Technology Stack

  • android
  • apple
  • blob-storage

The Client

Our client helps people protect, preserve and prolong life. They are a MedTech company based in the southeastern USA concentrating on services and solutions based on combining the power of Brain Thermodynamics, Internet of Things and Predictive Models using AI with generating revenue of $20 million a year.

The Idea behind the app

  • The client envisioned an app which shall help old citizens of the USA live an easy life. This app should eliminate the necessity for transportation of visits to the premises of the doctor. It should be done virtually! For this, the app should have a day to day track of the food consumed to the exercises done & rest taken for an individual with a feature to send the data directly to the doctor via in app messenger or email & text.
  • The client wanted to reduce the overall development cost of the software part of their system. They already had hardware developed which was used to capture the body temperature & other information to create a report with charts that helps medical professionals to consult the patient.
  • It was important to have a mobile app which is gathering data from the device and passing it to the main system where all the reports were being created automatically. Seamless and precise connection was required between the system, mobile app and the device.
  • The client wanted an offshore resource team to handle this challenge.

The Solution

  • After a few brainstorming meetings our tech analyst prepared a pitch-perfect plan to execute this project with utmost value-addition, firstly we worked on the mobile designs which demonstrated all the functional aspects of the front-end designs.
  • According to the client’s needs & idea the app was divided into 2 apps one for Doctor & other for Patient which shared a mutual communication & reporting platform between both apps.
  • Once the designs were ready & approved by the clients, individual Android and iOS teams were working on mobile apps under the mentorship of our Sr. software engineer developing backend functions.
  • Backend development took place on Azure cloud to provide scalability and flexibility with secured data storage and API structure was built for easy communication between the native apps & the backend architecture.

Patient App

  • The native patient app was functionally built to input manual day-to-day data about their daily routine consisting of Food intake, rest timeline, exercise routine, vitals & energy level. The app presents daily log charts as a report based on the input data. It can be shown as a medical record of the patient which can be sent to the doctor for the consultation.
  • If there are any important specifications to be recorded or stored for a longer period of time, the Patient app has a functionality to store such information in the Journal tab. The Journal tab can be used as a day-to-day tracking which maintaines date, journal title, description, patient’s medications, & their pain levels which can be directly share with their consulting doctor if any changes needed in their medications.
  • Also the patient has the liberty to maintain their profile dashboard where they can display all their personal information, health information, data logs, list of doctors & their message board.

Doctor App

  • The doctor app consists of a login functionality once logged in the doctors can review the list of their patients with their reports & message board.
  • Also the doctors can maintain their profile where they can share their own profile with any patient via a QR code scan, their ID number or an email invitation.


  • Development cost reduced by almost 50-60%
  • Infrastructure investment & Recruitment efforts for development reduced by 98%
  • More time for Business Development as Technically sound team handling product’s technical aspect with client’s minor 5% involvement
  • Interactive & user friendly UI for the mobile apps especially designed for the old age group to navigate smoothly.
  • Travelfree consultation for patients & easy mode of communication
  • Track of health reports & daily logs of vitals at one place, it’s paperless, agile to maintain.

Project scope

  • Business Analysis
  • UI & UX Design
  • Web Application Development ( Backend)
  • Native Android & iOS App Development
  • QA & Testing
  • Support & Maintenance


  • Apps built in native android & iOS platforms
  • Backend is an API structure which is built in .NET core
  • Scalable Azure cloud function, blob storage
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