How to create custom form using MVC controller in Umbraco 7?

Umbraco 7 is one the best and most powerful CMS platforms based on MVC. You can also create a custom form in Umbraco. You can easily create a custom form in Umbraco using Razor view and Partial view. Umbraco 7 controllers need to inherit from SurfaceController for creating custom form methods in MVC.

Let’s discuss how you can create a stunning custom web form in Umbraco 7 cms system. here I am going to explain step-by-step web form customization in MVC.

These are some steps to create a custom form in Umbraco 7.

  1. Create a model that will be used in Razor view.
  2. Add Partial View which contains model elements.
  3. Then you have to create SurfaceController.
  4. Add View which will call methods of SurfaceController.

For Example, suppose we create forgot password Page in the Umbraco 7 cms system. here is the total MVC developer guidelines for creating a custom form. kindly follow the below step-by-step guidelines for the customization.

Guideline for the customization:

  1. Create model that will be used in Razor view. Create ForgotPasswordModel inside the Models folder. kindly follow the below Javascript code for the solution.

public class ForgotPasswordModel
	public ForgotPasswordModel()

	[Display(Name = "Email Address")]
	[Required(ErrorMessage = "Email Address is required.")]
	public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
  1. Add Partial View which contains model elements.Create Partial View inside ~ViewsPartials folder. keep one thing in mind you do not have to add javascript of that page here. kindly add it in a view. follow the below HTML code for the solution.

@model BussinessLayer.ViewModel.ForgotPasswordModel
	ViewBag.Title = "_ForgotPassword";
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.EmailAddress) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.EmailAddress)

  1. Create SurfaceController as following and add ForgotPassword method. Please note that here it returns partial view instead of a view.

public class AccountSurfaceController : SurfaceController
	public ActionResult ForgotPassword()
		return PartialView("_ForgotPassword");
  1. Add View which will call methods of SurfaceController. Create a Section called “scripts” in the Layout page then add javascript related to this page in scripts section as follows.

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
	Layout = "umbLayout.cshtml";
@Html.Action("ForgotPassword", "AccountSurface")
@section scripts {
  1. If you want to post Forgot password form then you need to use a method in view like the following then create the Post method in AccountSurfaceController.

@using (Html.BeginUmbracoForm("ForgotPassword", "AccountSurface", FormMethod.Post))
	@Html.EditorFor(model => model.EmailAddress)
	@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.EmailAddress)
	<button type="submit">Send Mail</button>

I hope that this article is useful for Umbraco 7 developers for creating a custom web form in Umbraco 7 using with MVC and coding implementation.

Article by

Jignasha Rathod

Jignasha Rathod is a Technical Analyst with over a decade of experience in the IT industry. She excels in .NET, CI/CD, GitHub, Azure. and has a proven track record in project management, leadership, API integrations, and Azure AI and . Jignasha is focused on performance enhancement and possesses deep domain expertise in open source CMS ( umbraco, orchard cms ) accounting, CRM, ERP (SAP, NetSuite, Business Central) and e-commerce. Her extensive experience spans across both B2B and B2C e-commerce platforms, and she is leveraging AI and ML technologies to drive innovation and efficiency in client projects.