How to set up iOS environments Using Xcode Schemes: Production and Sandbox Chintan Prajapati February 23, 2023 1 min read Welcome to our guide on creating sandbox and production apps within a single project. When developing mobile applications, it’s essential to test and deploy them in different environments to ensure their quality and functionality. However, managing two separate projects for sandbox and production apps can be challenging and time-consuming. In this article, we’ll show you how to set up iOS environments Using create sandbox and production apps within a single project. By using this approach, you can easily switch between environments, streamline your development process, and avoid common mistakes that can arise from managing separate projects.We’ll cover various aspects of creating a single project for both sandbox and production apps, including how to set up different configurations, handle data, and manage resources. With our step-by-step instructions and best practices, you’ll be able to create a more efficient and organized workflow for your mobile app development.Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into managing sandbox and production apps within a single project. So, let’s dive in and learn how to create a more streamlined development process for your mobile applications!To create two schemes for a sandbox and production app in Xcode, follow these steps: Open your Xcode project and select the project in the Project Navigator. static let baseURL = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "BaseURL") as! StringDon't Leave Just Yet!Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive deals. Close