MERN: Why the Preferred Tech Stack for Modern Web Development

To build web applications, many different technologies are used to develop a range of simple to complex digital platforms for different industries. The market’s structure and the range of available technologies have changed over time. There is a fundamental need for flexible and expandable web app development solutions in the ever-changing business environment.  And what could be more advantageous than using MERN Stack web development services?

Many web development companies are using MERN Stack to make reliable and scalable web apps, even though there are other technologies available. So, if you want to build a web application, you’ll need a tech stack that is scalable, safe, reliable, and adaptable.

What is MERN Stack?

The components of MERN include:

  • MongoDB — document database
  • Express (.js)—Node.js web framework
  • React (.js) is a client-side JavaScript framework
  • Node.js is the premier JavaScript web server

Deploying full-stack web applications becomes faster and simpler with MERN Stack, a fusion of four key technologies.


MongoDB is a NoSQL (non-structured SQL) database that is document-oriented and used to increase the flexibility of online applications. It might be utilized as a multi-cloud data platform to give web applications the best possible scalability.


Express.js is a lightweight, adaptable Node.js web application framework that offers powerful functionality and is used to integrate RESTful APIs into online and mobile applications. Web developers use it to build backends, somewhat complicated websites, and mobile apps.


A popular open-source JavaScript front-end toolkit called React JS is used to make engaging and appealing user interfaces based on UI components. This incredible front-end library’s main objective is to speed up app performance and reduce development time.


Finally, Node.js is represented by the N in the MERN stack. A cross-platform runtime environment called JS allows JavaScript code to be executed outside of a browser. A JavaScript runtime environment called Node.js runs code on the server.

Typically, different backend services are created and developed using Node.js.


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most used framework 2023

How does the MERN Stack Work?

MERN architecture makes it simple to build a three-tier architecture (front end, back end, and database) using only JavaScript and JSON.


React.js Frontend:

  1. A declarative JavaScript framework for dynamic client-side applications
  2. Builds complex interfaces through simple components.
  3. Connects components to backend server data.
  4. Renders components as HTML.
  5. Strong for handling stateful, data-driven interfaces with minimal code.
  6. Offers features like form handling, error management, event handling, and more.


Express.js and Node.js Server:

  1. Express.js is a fast and minimalist web framework for Node.js.
  2. Handles URL routing, matching incoming URLs with server functions.
  3. Manages HTTP requests and responses.
  4. Serves as the middleware between React.js frontend and MongoDB.
  5. Receives requests from the front end (e.g., XHRs, GETs, POSTs).
  6. Connects to MongoDB using Node.js drivers, employing callbacks or promises.
  7. Accesses and updates data in the MongoDB database.

MongoDB Database Tier:

  1. Designed to store various types of data like user profiles, content, comments, uploads, events, etc.
  2. Compatible with the MERN stack, making it easy to work with React.js, Express.js, and Node.js.
  3. Accepts JSON documents from the React.js front end.
  4. These documents are sent to the Express.js server for processing.
  5. Valid data is stored directly in MongoDB for future retrieval.
  6. MongoDB Atlas is a cloud-based option for hosting MongoDB databases.

5 Reasons to Choose MERN Stack Web Development Service

Consider using a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) stack development service for your web application for the following five reasons:

Full-Stack DevelopmentFull-Stack Development.

MERN includes the back-end (Node.js and Express.js) as well as the front-end (React.js) components, enabling smooth full-stack development. Ensuring code consistency and layer-to-layer communication cuts down on both development time and the possibility of integration problems.


The great performance and scalability of MERN applications are widely known. Node.js’s event-driven, non-blocking architecture makes it possible to handle numerous concurrent connections effectively. On the front end, React.js offers a user experience that is quick and responsive.

Code ReusabilityCode Reusability.

React.js’s component-based architecture encourages code reusability. Components can be easily reused across different parts of the application, leading to cleaner code, quicker development, and easier maintenance.

Large and Active CommunityLarge and Active Community.

The developer community for the MERN stack is strong and vibrant. This means having access to several open-source libraries, packages, and support systems. Developers may stay current on best practices and find solutions to frequent problems. For that, hire MERN Full stack developers from us.

Real-Time ApplicationsReal-Time Applications.

MERN is particularly suited for real-time applications like chat programs, online games, and live data dashboards. To enable real-time communication between clients and the server, WebSockets can be readily added to the stack.

In conclusion, selecting a MERN stack development service offers access to a robust developer community as well as a potent combination of technologies that can result in effective, high-performance online applications.

Choosing MERN = Frontend + Backend + Database = Complete Package

When is the Right Time to use MERN Stack for Your Web Development project?

Below are some scenarios where MERN is the preferred technology stack for development.

Several iterations should happen quickly: Any company environment, whether it be an enterprise, a SME, or a startup, should be prepared to test goods and launch them as soon as feasible. MERN supports quicker web app development and testing, assisting companies in launching products more quickly.

Having strict deadlines: MERN provides a front-end library in the form of React.js, which has an accessible interface and enables developers to execute code rapidly. This library supports the simple development process of the MVC architecture. Because MERN Stack development follows industry standards, it is a wise option for companies.

Still unclear if MERN is the best option for your business and confused about it?

Make an appointment for a free consultation with one of our dedicated MERN Stack web developers. To suggest a fictional digital solution, they will understand your company’s ecosystems, market demands, and learnings from this potential web app.

Article by

Chintan Prajapati

Chintan Prajapati, a seasoned computer engineer with over 20 years in the software industry, is the Founder and CEO of Satva Solutions. His expertise lies in Accounting & ERP Integrations, RPA, and developing technology solutions around leading ERP and accounting software, focusing on using Responsible AI and ML in fintech solutions. Chintan holds a BE in Computer Engineering and is a Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist, Certified Azure Solution Developer, Certified Intuit Developer, and Xero Developer.Throughout his career, Chintan has significantly impacted the accounting industry by consulting and delivering integrations and automation solutions that have saved thousands of man-hours. He aims to provide readers with insightful, practical advice on leveraging technology for business efficiency.Outside of his professional work, Chintan enjoys trekking and bird-watching. Guided by the philosophy, "Deliver the highest value to clients". Chintan continues to drive innovation and excellence in digital transformation strategies from his base in Ahmedabad, India.